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07 out, 2022

Having a good business culture is no longer just another option

Modern employers should consider this section as important as the wages and benefits they offer their employees. Although what works for one company may not work for another, you can learn a lot from firms that are doing things right. This time I bring you an article from 6 companies with fantastic cultures and what you can learn from them (we exclude Google and Facebook, since we already know that those two companies have excellent cultures)

1. Zappos

Zappos is recognized for its great culture that begins with a job interview that analyzes whether a person is suitable for the company environment. Employees are offered $ 2,000 in exchange for quitting after the first week of training if they decide the job is not for them. Those who stay are taught 10 company values. A significant part of the company’s annual budget is dedicated to building teamwork and promoting work culture.

When you have a good work culture, customer satisfaction and building a good brand take care of themselves.

What you can imitate: Zappos hires according to their business culture. It has well established what it wants to be and project. This promotes the happiness of the employees, which ultimately generates happy consumers.

2. Warby Parker

This brand has manufactured and sold prescription glasses since 2010. You have your own designs and sell them directly to customers to prevent stores from raising prices. For the team, there is nothing more important than a positive work culture through fun events and programs. The company makes sure to organize outings continuously so that its workers have something to get excited about. He also put in place a methodology to ensure everyone works as a team: Two employees are paid food at random.

What you can imitate: Warby Parker has deliberately created a culture by having a team charged with organizing events and programs charged with promoting a sense of community. Good business cultures do not arise spontaneously.

3. Southwest Airlines

The airline industry is often teased for its appalling customer service, but Southwest Airlines challenges these views. Loyal consumers generally ensure that the firm’s employees seem happy and treat them very well. This company has been in operation for 43 years, yet the company has managed to perfectly communicate its vision and mission to its employees to have a unified team. Southwest enables its employees to do what they have to do to keep customers happy.

What you can imitate: Employees who are convinced of a greater common goal tend to be more excited.

4. Twitter

Twitter workers brag about how great it is to work for this company. Together on the roof, friendly colleagues, a work environment based on team collaboration … this company has all that and more.

Social media employees also have free meals at San Francisco offices, as well as yoga classes and extended vacations. These benefits are known in the startup world, but what sets Twitter apart?

Employees of this company love working with other smart people and are proud to be part of a company that is changing the world.

What you can imitate: it is always very good to have workers who treat each other with pleasure and respect and at the same time are good at their work. There is no program that beats having happy employees who feel that their work makes a difference.

5. Chevron

Oil companies are often easy targets for smear campaigns (for mistakes that have sparked anger from the general public). However, Chevron employees have managed to have a great work culture. By comparing the company to similar companies, employees say Chevron is safer and encourages camaraderie.

It has health centers at its headquarters, offers massages and personal trainers, insists its employees to take regular breaks, and so on. The company tries to demonstrate that it is interested in the well-being of its teams.

What you can imitate: you don’t have to set up a ping pong table and give free beers to have a good corporate culture. It is enough to make your employees feel safe and foster camaraderie.

6. Adobe

This company strives to give its employees projects that stimulate them. Offering benefits like any other modern tech company, Adobe avoids slipping into micromanaging and expects its employees to do their best.

The products of this firm are synonyms of creativity and by giving freedom to its collaborators it allows them to have an open mind. Managers are rather coaches who help employees set a goal and determine how they will achieve it.

Workers can also buy shares in the company, prompting them to feel part of the firm’s success. The company also promotes continuous training and risk taking without fear of consequences.

What you can imitate: trusting your employees greatly helps your company culture and helps you generate freelancers that will drive the growth of your business.